Granite Basins

Granite Basins

When choosing to install a new kitchen or even bathroom, one of the greatest choices you can make is from the huge variety of granite basins.

Granite basins have become a popular choice for many people for many reasons including the facts that they are:

  • Durable
  • Easy to clean
  • Have strength to withstand even the most rigorous of uses
  • Scratch resistant
  • Sophisticated and stylish
  • Available in a choice of colors
  • Non absorbent and non porous
  • Variety of depth and size

Look at the price tag!

It has to be said that granite basins are expensive; there is no getting away from this, however they are extremely durable and will last a long time, much longer than their ceramic, resin or stainless steel counterparts. They can withstand much harsher treatment too and still continue to hold their good looks and in addition, you can choose granite basins in a variety of sizes, styles and colors to suit your kitchen perfectly.

What about a cheaper alternative?

You can buy cheaper alternatives, but why would you want to do that? If you can choose between granite basins that will last practically as long as you will and an alternative that will need replacing in a few years, which is the more practical choice? Of course quality always costs more, but in that cost is factored the wear and tear and functionality of the classy looking sink. Granite basins don’t suffer from chipping or staining problems, as with other basins and so remain looking like new for so much longer. Stainless steel sinks on the other hand quickly become stained and tired looking, as do resin sinks.
You can find many companies that have granite basins on sale, or you might even find one in a local store that is closing down. Buying this way, or online, means you can make great savings and if you are choosing from a variety of granite basins that have been discontinued, you will find yourself with a real bargain, although you may be a little limited on style. You may have to pay someone to fit it for you, or it may be included in your kitchen remodeling, so remember to factor this cost in too.

Get proper fitting

If you go to the expense of buying your granite basins, do ensure you have a quality workman to fit it for you because there is little point in spending good money buying a quality product only to have an inferior job carried out on fitting it and this will completely undermine the effect in your kitchen and may even cause problems with kitchen surfaces too. The sink needs to be properly supported and reinforced and fixed flush to the surfaces it is being connected to and remember, this is not something that should be undertaken lightly because you may find that the old sink that is being removed has inadequate brackets for granite basins. Therefore, do not ignore this very important step of choosing a quality workman for the job but you may be fortunate and have the right craftsman that is fixing your whole kitchen for you.




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